
This research project is part of the implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding signed in March 2018 between the Minister of Environment and Natural Resources of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam and the Director General of the French Development Agency. This memorandum, which covers various topics related to the implementation of the Paris Agreement, has as a priority goal the study of the various dimensions of climate damage in Viet Nam and the assessment of adaptation strategies. The present project is the main concretization of this, materialized in a new Memorandum of Understanding signed in December 2019. In addition, this project provides significant support to Vietnamese research and the production of high-level research results that will support the public policy dialogue of the Agence Française de Développement with the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam.

Work package n°1 - CLIMATO

The goal of WP1 is threefold: build a comprehensive set of climate related variables in the past for Vietnam over the long run; provide with a probabilistic set of spatialized temperature, precipitation, extreme events scenarios, salinity intrusion scenarios, … with a high spatial resolution over Vietnamese territory for the 21st century; finally play a coordination role with the empirical studies conducted in WP2, WP3, and WP4 as well as with the macro analysis in WP5 for all climate related questions.

Work package n°2 - ECO

WP2 focuses on an empirical analysis of past economic impacts of climate in Vietnam. This will allow us to evaluate response functions of specific impacts (and adaptation strategies) due to variations in temperature and precipitation (as well as other environmental variables, such as extreme events or sea-level rise) on major economic sectors of the Vietnamese economy such as agriculture (among which rice production, aquaculture, …), energy (both demand and supply), the informal sector, as well as the impact of extreme events on the stock of capital (infrastructure). In coordination with WP1, this package will also have the goal to project these response functions into the future, considering the relevant uncertainties in future climate.

Work package n°3 - SOCIO

The aims of SOCIO is to evaluate the effects of climate change and natural disasters on social economics aspects such as: labor productivity, migration, human capital. This work package also examines causal impacts of climate change and extreme weather on nutrition and public health.

Work package n°5 - MACRO

Macroeconomic assessment of climate damages and adaptation strategies

This central macroeconomic model gives an exhaustive view of the socio-economic impacts of climate change in Vietnam and adaptation strategy, by aggregating the different sectoral or region-specific analysis as well as the climate projections of other packages. We present interactive versions of this first stock-flow coherent model of the Vietnamese economy coupled with climate impacts and adaptation prospective scenarios.

Work package n°6 - ADAPTO

A qualitative approach to local responses to climate change in Vietnam

« Adapto » is a social sciences package that address the question of local responses to climate change through a qualitative approach. We study the social, political, institutional and spatial issues that shape adaptation strategies to environmental hazards and climate change at the local level.